Flamborough by Steve Morgan

Business Resilience to Extreme Weather

How would impacts from severe weather affect your businesses’ premises, operations, supply chains, logistics, staff, markets, finances and insurance?

Understanding how your business will be affected by extreme weather impacts is crucial to survival, profitability and growth.

The storm tidal surge that impacted the East Coast in December 2013 saw local businesses counting the cost of water damage, the loss of power, and disruption to oil and coal supplies.

This event and workshops, which took place on 9 October in Hull, were an opportunity to gain an insight into what the risks are, learn how others have responded and get practical advice from experienced practitioners on how to be prepared for whatever the weather throws at your organisation.

Presentations from the day are available to download at the links below.


Tony Edwards, Chairman

Keynote address:
Lord Haskins, Chairman, Humber Local Enterprise Partnership

Are you Climate Ready?
Jon Clubb, Climate Change Coordinator, Your Climate

Preparing your business for flooding
Rachael McMahon & Kim Tan, Environment Agency

Case study: Humber Ports Resilience Planning
Tom Jeynes, Associated British Ports


- Adaptation and supply chain development in ISO 1400
(Martin Budd & Rob Beardsworth)

- Business Resilience Health Check – tools, advice, support
(Jon Clubb & Teresa James)