York Big Wheel by Steve Morgan

Comprehensive Planning and Climate Change Training for Local Authority Planning Officers

The Rt Hon Greg Clark’s introduction to the draft National Planning Policy Framework says that the purpose of planning is to achieve sustainable development. Paragraph 10 states that delivering sustainable development means using the planning system to protect and enhance our natural, built and historic environment, to use natural resources prudently and to mitigate and adapt to climate change, including moving to a low carbon economy.

The Comprehensive Planning and Climate Change Training for Planning Officers will be delivered by Arup to enhance the skills planning officers need to take positive action on climate change and increase local authority capacity to tackle the causes and effects. 

  • Beginning January 2012 to December 2012 throughout the Yorkshire and Humber.
  • 10 modules form one comprehensive training package to build specialist skills and champions.
  • Designed following consultation with officers and reviewed by Service Heads.
  • Each module will be delivered four times, once in each sub region, to ensure convenience and accessibility to all local authorities.
  • All free of charge to relevant local authority officers and qualifies as CPD for planning officers.
  • Delivery will be paced to improve the opportunity for officers to attend.
  • There is no requirement to attend all modules.
  • Modules range from policy formulation to compliance to enable managers to direct officers to the most suitable training.
  • The training programme has been paid for by a grant to YoHrSpace from the Department for Communities and Local Government.

The materials from each module will be published on this website.

  1. Module 1: LDF/plan making evidence base and Implementation of the Yorkshire and Humber renewable and Low Carbon Energy Study, 2011
  2. Module 2: Introduction to climate change policy and context
  3. Module 3: Climate Change Planning for Renewable Energy
  4. Module 4: Climate Change Planning for Construction
  5. Module 5: Climate Change Planning for Green Infrastructure
  6. Module 6: Achieving climate change mitigation and adaptation in masterplanning
  7. Module 7: Achieving climate change mitigation and adaptation in small scale development
  8. Module 8: Climate Change and viability
  9. Module 9: Historical Assets and Climate Change
  10. Module 10: Regulation regimes, likely policy changes and implications for planning requirements, monitoring and enforcement

For further details on the training programme please download the flyer included in the related documents section below.