Eggborough Power Station by Steve Morgan

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Presentations available from ‘Focus on European Funding' event

The Climate Change event 'Focus on European Funding' took place on Thursday 30th Sep 2010 at GOYH in Leeds. The agenda and presentations from the day are now available to...

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New website for geodiversity and networking in Yorkshire and Humber

Need to know about your local geological site? Want to know where to take your fossil find? Want to visit your nearest museum to find out more about...

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Invitation to tender: supporting VCS organisations to respond to the challenges presented by climate change

North Yorkshire County Council (for partners in the York and N. Yorks sub-region) has been awarded funding to support VCS organisations to respond to the challenges presented by climate change....

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British Attitudes to the Environment, Climate Change and Future Energy Choices (June 2010)

Ipsos MORI's most recent survey on climate change and energy supply shows that, despite a decline in concern about climate change, the majority of the British public still believe the...

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2020 Vision - a new era in British archaeology?
Thu, 01/07/2010 - 23:00

Merchant Taylors Hall, York

The open meeting of the Federation of Archaeological Managers and Employers (FAME) will consider the future of British archaeology, following the publication of PPS5 and similar planned reforms across the UK.

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New DEFRA climate change reporting and guidance (March 2010)

In 2007, Defra published ‘Ways to tackle Climate Change’ for use by the town and parish council sector. Building on this initial work, Action for Communities in Rural England (ACRE)...

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Just Act - Third Sector Delaration on Climate Change

JustAct is a new website (currently in beta) that supports Third Sector organisations to help each other create, implement and review their action plan on climate change.

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Charlie Brooker's plan to save mankind

What follows is an extract from 'Comment is Free' in the Guardian Newspaper, Monday 15 March 2010. To read the full article please visit ...

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