Scarborough Beach Huts by Steve Morgan

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Environment Funding Focus Group Meeting

Advance notice of the date for the next Environment Funding Focus Group, probably at Natural England, Queen Street, Leeds. 7th June 2011 from 1.00 – 4.00 (may change slightly but...

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Government abandons plans to sell forest estate – but woods are still not safe

As Government announces the formation of an independent panel of forestry experts as part of the planned review of forestry policy in England, the Woodland Trust is challenging both the...

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Natural England halves its carbon emissions

Natural England announced today that it has successfully reduced its carbon emissions by 50%.  In an ambitious four-year programme, the government’s wildlife and conservation advisor has delivered a series of...

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The Natural Environment Evidence Base for Yorkshire and Humber

Natural England, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, Government Office and Yorkshire Futures to show the state of the natural environment in Yorkshire and Humber. It presents mapped data and...

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The Natural Environment Evidence Base for Yorkshire and Humber

This new report brings together data from Natural England, Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, Government Office and Yorkshire Futures to show the state of the natural environment in Yorkshire and Humber....

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£3 million of new funding from CO2Sense

£3 million of new funding is available from CO2Sense to help businesses in Yorkshire and Humber cut their costs and their carbon emissions.   The funding will be available to...

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Invasive Species: New Natives in a Changing Climate
Wed, 23/03/2011 - 07:30

Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD

Biological invasions by non-native species are currently one of the biggest threats to the ecology and economy of the planet, costing an estimated £914 billion* worldwide and being the cause of 50% of all known extinctions.

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Livewell: a balance of healthy and sustainable food choices

WWF has released its Livewell report, that looks at whether it is possible to eat a diet that is both lower in GHG emissions and more nutritionally balanced than...

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Natural Connections: the role of green space in connecting people to their local environment
Wed, 02/02/2011 - 08:30

Centre in the Park, Norfolk Park, Sheffield

Please note that this event was scheduled to happen on the 1st of December 2011 but it was postponed due to the weather. At a time of political and economic flux the time is right to think about changes in society and how they influence what people want from greenspace. Is there a need to re-think our objectives and the methods we use to deliver them?

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Community tree planting packs

Woodland Trust community tree planting packs are designed to help community groups to plant more trees, hedges and copses in their local shared spaces - by a church, community centre...

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