Richmond Train Station Cafe by Steve Morgan

Climate Change Act 2008

The UK has passed legislation which introduces the world’s first long-term legally binding framework to tackle the dangers of climate change. The Climate Change Bill was introduced into Parliament on 14 November 2007 and became law on 26 November 2008.

The Climate Change Act creates a new approach to managing and responding to climate change in the UK, by:

  • Setting ambitious, legally binding targets (1990 baseline) 2008-12, 2013-17 and 2018-22, and had to be set by 1 June 2009.
  • Taking powers to help meet those targets.
  • Strengthening the institutional framework.
  • Enhancing the UK’s ability to adapt to the impact of climate change.
  • Establishing clear and regular accountability to the UK Parliament and to the devolved administrations.

Under the Act a new independent expert body - the Committee on Climate Change - has been established. It must report to parliament annually on progress and the government must respond to these reports.