Natural Connections: the role of green space in connecting people to their local environment

When | Wed, 02/02/2011 - 08:30 |
Venue | Centre in the Park, Norfolk Park, Sheffield |
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Name | Magali Fleurot | | |
Website | Countryside Recreation Network |
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Topic | Environment Governance & Civic Participation Quality of Life |
Please note that this event was scheduled to happen on the 1st of December 2011 but it was postponed due to the weather.
At a time of political and economic flux the time is right to think about changes in society and how they influence what people want from greenspace. Is there a need to re-think our objectives and the methods we use to deliver them?
The institutions and legislation governing land use and management in the UK have their roots in the immediate postwar years. Are they still fit for purpose? Public interest in nature and the outdoors has never been greater, but the number of visitors to the countryside is falling.
Public and institutional concern over the environment is at anall-time peak, but resources to manage natural areas havenever been more difficult to find. What’s going on?
Different people will have different answers.
In this seminar we will use case studies and recent research to explore the reasons for change. We will draw on the experience of participants to look forward, reflecting on how green space might cater for new needs and aspirations.