The CCSF was announced with draft Planning Policy Statement: Planning for a Low Carbon Future in a Changing Climate (March, 2010). To help deliver new planning policy, as part of wider actions on climate change, DCLG confirmed a package of measures worth £9.75 million nationally. This consultation bought together the Planning and Climate Change Supplement to PPS1 with the Planning Policy Statement 22: Renewable Energy and emphasised policy measures to reduce carbon, to adapt to a changing climate and on helping local communities to bring forward renewable energy projects.
Moving to a low carbon economy in a changing climate will be central to planning strategies and decisions made on planning applications.
The Climate Change Skills Fund (CCSF) programme in the Yorkshire and Humber region will build the skills and capacity of officers helping them to better tackle climate change. The CCSF was announced by Central Government as part of a policy package to deliver actions on climate change. Here in the Yorkshire and Humber region we aim to enhance the skills and knowledge planners have to deal with climate change mitigation and adaptation and encourage communities to take positive action on climate change.
Broadly speaking, the funding is to support the decentralisation of power to the local level by enhancing the skills and knowledge planners need, including in planning for increased renewable energy supply, and encouraging local communities to take positive action on climate change. The Fund will be used to support local authorities for the following purposes:
In the Yorkshire and Humber the overall CCSF programme consists of four
project areas:
The Programme is designed to help:
This programme will go a long way to providing local authority planning officer's CPD requirements for 2012, free of charge. Leaflet published December 2011.
Provides Local Planning Authorities with a range of independent low carbon support and advice. Published December 2011.
This guide is designed to be used by all groups and individuals involved in the historic building environment. It is hoped the target audience of local authority professionals, architects, planners, home owners and developers will use the guide to bring their approach towards heritage and low carbon together.
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