This event has been postponed.
A new date will be announced as soon as possible.
Date: 2nd December 2010. 9:30am - 1pm
Venue: The Enterprise Centre, University of Hull
The full agenda for New Beginnings and New Challenges in the Sub-Regions (Humber Sub-Region) has now been agreed and included in the updated event flyer.
As you can see from the above document, this event is different from the other events in the workshop series as YHREF recognise and have tried to reflect the specific challenges that exist in the Humber Sub-Region.
Places are at a premium and we are keen to have as many local representatives from the sub region as possible so if you are involved with a relevant group or organisation in the area then please forward this invitation and help ensure that we continue to highlight the issues and the opportunities in a concise and practical manner.
You may have found us by using the following keywords: Our Climate, Climate Change Partnership, Climate Change, Regional, Adaptation Sub-Group, Adaptation, Local Authorities, Strategy and Monitoring, Built Environment, Transport, Health Services, Business, Land Management, Citizen Engagement, Energy, Waste, Water, Carbon, Flood risk, Mitigation, Leadership, Low Carbon Products, Low Carbon Services, Zero Carbon, Integrated Regional Strategy, Yorkshire and Humber Strategy, Climate Change Act, Regional Adaptation Study, Climate Change Plan for Yorkshire and Humber, Climate UK, Regional Coordinator, Low Carbon Economy, Bio-mass, Carbon Capture, Microgeneration, Local Area Climate Change Network, YoHr Space, Climate Change Board, Impacts, Vulnerability, Opportunities, CO2, NI188, NI186, NI185, NI187, Temperature, Rainfall, Extreme weather