Whitby Abbey by Steve Morgan


UK Climate Projections (UKCP09)

DateMonday, March 15, 2010
Topic Greenhouse Gas Emissions & Climate Change

The UKCP09 introductory website has now retired and access to all UKCP09 information is now via the main technical site which can be found at http://ukclimateprojections.defra.gov.uk

The introductory site was created primarily to handle the public interest generated by the high-profile launch of UKCP09. The content of the site has not been lost, with most of it incorporated into the UKCP09 section of the UKCIP website.

UKCP09 is the fifth generation of climate information for the UK, and is the most comprehensive package produced to date. For the first time it provides probabilistic projections of climate change based on quantification of the known sources of uncertainty.

Along with this website, a User Interface has been provided to facilitate access to the projections; User Guidance is available to support decisions related to using UKCP09.

To support users in exploring potential impacts, vulnerabilities and adaptation options, UKCP09 also offers two analytical tools –