Leeds Railway Station by Steve Morgan


Rural Growth Networks

On 29 December 2011 Defra launched a competition to identify six pilot Rural Growth Networks. Around £15 million is to be invested in the pilots aimed at supporting rural businesses and growing the rural economy. The Rural Growth Networks will help rural areas overcome barriers to growth such as lack of suitable premises and poor provision of infrastructure like superfast broadband and mobile networks. Up to £2.3 million will be allocated to supporting rural enterprises led by women.

Defra anticipates that the Rural Growth Networks will consist of a relatively small number of sites/ ‘enterprise hubs’ on underused business parks, brownfield sites or sites which already have outline planning permission for commercial or industrial development. It is expected that each hub will be suitable for between ten and twenty micro or small enterprises. Enterprise hubs could be generic or focus on a particular sector, for instance local food, advanced manufacturing, renewable energy, IT, creative/media industries or leisure businesses.

Bids are invited from local authorities or Local Enterprise Partnerships (or groups of LAs/LEPs) by 31 January 2012.

The six successful schemes will be announced in March 2012.

For further information and an application form please visit www.defra.gov.uk/forms/2011/12/29/rural-growth-network-pilots-application-form/