Dalby Forest Visitor Centre by Steve Morgan


Public consultation : Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Yorkshire Ambulance Service is looking to apply for foundation trust status in 2012. NHS foundation trusts are membership organisations that are free from central government control. This means that the new organisation will have a lot more freedom to shape the way that it provides and develops services for local residents.

They have developed plans for how they would like to take the new organisation forward in the future. However, they want to be sure that you have a say in what they are proposing.

Between now and 4 December 2011 everyone across Yorkshire is invited to share their views about the plans, and help to shape the way that ambulance services are provided in the future.

They are also starting to recruit ‘members’ to the new organisation - who will be made up of staff, patients and public across Yorkshire. Members will help to influence decisions that are made and ensure that they really benefit our local communities.



If you have any questions or queries, please contact Catherine Armshaw, Interim Stakeholder and Communications Manager.

Yorkshire Ambulance Service
Springhill 2
Brindley Way
Wakefield 41 Business Park
E: Catherine.armshaw@yas.nhs.uk
T: 01924 584313