Dalby Forest Visitor Centre by Steve Morgan


Proceedings of the 2010 Humber Estuary Conference

The purpose of the annual Humber Estuary Conference is to brief all those interested in the sustainable management of the Humber and its environs on the state of the estuary and on developments affecting it. This year we examined recent management initiatives and the progress of establishing the new intertidal habitats. A thread running through all the presentations was the advantages of and need for collaborative working between organisations to solve problems and achieve benefits for people and the environment. The conference was attended by 90 people from at least 46 organisations.

The Humber is one of the North Sea‟s principal estuaries. It has the UK's largest ports' complex, and major industrial and energy plants. It is a European Marine Site on account of is outstanding importance for birds and other wildlife. Much of the developed area and the surrounding high grade agricultural land are on the tidal floodplain – climate is changing and sea level is rising. There is potential for further port and industrial developments, particularly related to renewable energy. Reconciling their impacts on the wildlife designations is a major challenge that is being tackled.