Leeds Railway Station by Steve Morgan


An Industrial Strategy for the development of carbon capture and storage across the UK

There are significant opportunities offered by CCS to UK Businesses. Geography alone has huge potential for the UK, with the North Sea offering some of the best storage sites for CO2 in Europe. We also have long-established engineering and project management skills in both fossil fuel power generation and offshore oil and gas, both of which will be required to deliver CCS technically, and the financial and legal expertise to construct the complex business models and contractual arrangements essential to deliver projects. We have therefore published an industrial strategy for the development of carbon capture and storage across the UK, which focuses on how to make the most of the opportunities.

This strategy is not a formal consultation document, but it is intended to promote discussion and debate on delivering CCS through the demonstration phase and on to wider deployment. We will, for example, be looking for views over the coming months on the design of the competitive process for selecting further CCS demonstration projects, and on how best to deliver infrastructure for transporting and storing CO2.

For more information please visit the Office of Carbon Capture & Storage (OCCS)