Your Climate has embraced the new and is now an active Twitter user and participant. We have been running our account for a couple of months to test the water and gather feedback as to whether it is a useful part of how we communicate our plans, actions and activities.
We are pretty taken with what we have seen so far and so we will be using our account @your_climate to communicate a whole raft of new activities for 2012 including updates regarding the Climate Change Skills Fund and the implications of the upcoming UK Climate Change Risk Assessment for Yorkshire and Humber.
So follow us and stay completely up to date and in the loop.
Plus if there any any feeds that we should be following then drop us a line at and we will add you to the mix.
Finally, as it is the festive season, a very Merry Christmas to all our chums Yorkshire, Humber and beyond!
You may have found us by using the following keywords: Our Climate, Climate Change Partnership, Climate Change, Regional, Adaptation Sub-Group, Adaptation, Local Authorities, Strategy and Monitoring, Built Environment, Transport, Health Services, Business, Land Management, Citizen Engagement, Energy, Waste, Water, Carbon, Flood risk, Mitigation, Leadership, Low Carbon Products, Low Carbon Services, Zero Carbon, Integrated Regional Strategy, Yorkshire and Humber Strategy, Climate Change Act, Regional Adaptation Study, Climate Change Plan for Yorkshire and Humber, Climate UK, Regional Coordinator, Low Carbon Economy, Bio-mass, Carbon Capture, Microgeneration, Local Area Climate Change Network, YoHr Space, Climate Change Board, Impacts, Vulnerability, Opportunities, CO2, NI188, NI186, NI185, NI187, Temperature, Rainfall, Extreme weather