Bridlington Promenade by Steve Morgan


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Fit for the future

Excellent financial returns can be made from investing in renewable energy, according to a report by Arup for Friends of the Earth. Fit for the Future is the first in-depth...

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Councils key to meeting UK green energy target | FOE Report

Download the report here (pdf) This report addresses the UK’s commitment to increase the amount of renewable energy we produce to 15 per cent of energy demand by...

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Invitation to tender: supporting VCS organisations to respond to the challenges presented by climate change

North Yorkshire County Council (for partners in the York and N. Yorks sub-region) has been awarded funding to support VCS organisations to respond to the challenges presented by climate change....

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British Attitudes to the Environment, Climate Change and Future Energy Choices (June 2010)

Ipsos MORI's most recent survey on climate change and energy supply shows that, despite a decline in concern about climate change, the majority of the British public still believe the...

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New Agenda Packs added to Meetings

The following Agenda Packs are now available to download from the Your Climate website: Agenda pack for Climate Change Partnership Board on 23 April 2010 Agenda pack for Adaptation...

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One Year On
Presentations available from ‘Challenging our Progress – One Year On'

The Climate Change Partnership for Yorkshire & Humber held its annual conference on 23 April 'Challenging our Progress – One Year On'. Following key note speakers, from the Committee on...

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Your Climate
NI188 Advanced Workshop for the Northern Regions

A dedicated workshop took place on 25 March for local authorities that were aiming for high performance against NI188 i.e. levels 3 and 4 in the next year. The workshop...

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CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme

The CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme (formerly known as the Carbon Reduction Commitment) is the UK's mandatory climate change and energy saving scheme. It is central to the UK’s strategy for...

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Land Use Futures
Land Use Futures - Making the most of land in the 21st century

This Project has taken a broad and overarching look at the future of UK land use over the next 50 years. It demonstrates that there is a strong case to...

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Carbon emissions in the Yorkshire and the Humber Region

The Yorkshire and the Humber Select Committee have announced they will shortly be publishing the written evidence submitted to its inquiry into Carbon emissions in the Yorkshire and the Humber...

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