Flamborough by Steve Morgan


2011 - A good Year for Renewables

It has been a good start to 2011 for Sheffield Renewables! We’ve had some very encouraging news about securing funding for our proposed hydro schemes at Jordan Dam and Kelham Island. Amidst strong competition from 60 other projects we’ve succeeded in the first stage of our application to the European Regional Development Fund
Sheffield Renewables and project partners Sheffield City Council have been invited to submit an outline business plan as part of the second stage of the application process. If successful, this would secure the majority of the grant funding we are seeking for both projects.

Sheffield Renewables also has a new website where you can keep up-to-date with how things are going by visiting the 'news blog'. Details of the two main hydro projects mentioned above are also available and as the projects progress, we'll be developing ways to communicate their value to the City. If you live or are a regular visitor to Sheffield, check the 'Events' section of the site, where you can come and meet the team ... just for a chat or to get more involved by volunteering.

We hope you see us soon online - Volunteer, Support, Invest at www.sheffieldrenewables.org.uk